Sunday, October 12, 2008


quick update.entry buat adik bongsu pompuan aku.selamat maju jaya ya, kamu dlm PMR.ko jgn wat malu kaum okey.wajib mendapat 8A tauu!berusaha! \(".)/

thought for the day-cilok dr email from dept akuk.
time doesn't wait.
if you think you might have found the right one,
treasure the person.
don't let that person get away.
Don't let fear hold you back.
Give it a try else you might regret later.
"No one other than ourselves know
what can truly make us happy.


  1. "No one other than ourselves know
    what can truly make us happy"

    shortly said, setujuuuu sangat

    nkibbeu-wv untuk hari ini

  2. abis tu yg kata, "if u love someone, set her free. if she comes back, then she's truly yours" tu lak camne? perlu hold on tight or lepas then tgu?

    pastu plak, the more we know abt someone (including ourselves), the less we actually know (even of ourselves). logik x?

  3. rosealley,
    hehehe..mangse WV jugak..kihkih.setuju2 ngan kate2 itu.

    *apa yang dicari?*,
    aaaaa cmne nk jwb nih?ntaaaaaaah..x tau..hehe..ko ni im, pning kpale aku..:P
