Wednesday, October 15, 2008

physicology of LOVE

oh saye jmpe artikel jiwang al karatz to the max ni dh xde mase nak bace sbb sakit pale aku tgk tulisan die yg fully capslock sblum nih.heehee pg ni aku merajinkan diri paste jap kat word convert senang sape2 nak bace.haaa seeee, aku menjage kebajikan dan kesihatan mata readers.bagus x?

sape2 nak bace bleh la bace.kalo malas pegila bace blog org lain pulak.just to share..


don`t be too good ,
i`ll miss u
don`t be too caring,
i might like u
don`t be too sweet,
i might fall for u
its hard for me to love u
when u wont`t love me after all

bottom line : a person who makes me loves him/her is actually a person who loves me more than i love him/her

if someone comes into your life
and becomes part of you
but for some reasons he couldn`t stay
don`t cry too much ..
just be glad that your paths crossed
and somehow
he made u happy even for a while
bottom line: time will tell if he`s yours he will come back

two tear drops were floating down the river
one tear drop said to the other :
i`m the teardrop of a girl who loved a man and lost him.
who are u?"
"i`m the teardrop of the man who regret letting a girl go.."
bottom line:no body will symphatize a person who constantly let
chances passes by without making any efforts to salvage.
we normally don`t realise how important our loved and closed one are until they left us,
we`ll start reminiscences which results misery

love can make u happy although often time it hurts but love is only special if u gv it to which it`s worth.
bottom line: if u found someone who truly appreciate u,he/she deserves more

what if someone tells u this-i dont believe in courtship it`s just a waste of time,
if i love the person.
i`ll tell her right away
but for u i will make an exception..
just love me now and i`ll court u forever
bottom line: love needs time to realise, there might be love at first
sight but it takes time to let one gradually discover their affection towards another,
miss him/her when he/she is not around,
hope to hear from he/she when the person has not written/called

its always better to have found the courage to love even if u lose it in the end
rather than never found love
because u were too afraid of challenge
bottom line: don`t give up if u face/think that u have competitors. it`s
always better to try, if u suceed, the reward is more than u can expect..
but if u don`t try/dont summons up the courage,
u might lose the one u like/love forever


the greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embrace u with so much love

bottom line: love us a means of self giving and self sacrificsing. if he/she knows your flwas and still willing to accept u, continue o like/love u as u are or even more, boy...u are lucky! this person truly deserves your love and attention....

the spaces between our fingers were created
so that another person`s fingers could fill them in
bottom line: open your heart, let people love u, never doubt their intentions, sincerity can be felt by the heart when u love,
it is not for u to be understood but for u to understand;
not for u to take but for u to be taken ;
to listen not to dictate;
to sacrifice and not to demand;
not to count or to measure but

ohh perasaan jiwang karatku bercampur baur dengan sedikit kesan2 gedix menyatakan aku dan incik edy adelah stetment fessssssss skalik ofkoss dan juga beberape lagi yg best2 smuenye .hikhik.

mintak bantuan kecemasan: sape2 ade latest episode utk Gossip Girl 2, Desperade Housewives, dan Chuck sile roger saye ye.kalo beliau adelah opismateku lagik bagus.sile letak kat commonshare.mekasih kawanz2..dan jgn lupe bgtau saye dulu.


  1. wahai lisa
    nape ko xpaste kat word then tuka jd lower case? hoho

  2. phewiitt...
    jiwang siot...
    utk jiwa aku yg serabut nih, aku layanzzzzzzzzzz...

  3. besh seh physicology of love nih!
    aku nk paste kt blog aku gak leh?

    hehhe =P

  4. shy_wani,
    alaar skali skale jiwang pe slhnye.ko ingt awie nyanyi lagu rock die x jiwang ke?

    ahhhhh sbb malas laaaaa...x smpt.bizi la katekan.

    miszacasian, jgn lupe tuka lowercase ye.hehe..

  5. wooooooo...

    baik punye PHYSICOLOGY OF LOVE...ade gak yg kene mengena dgn idup aku n maybe korangs juga

  6. lisa..aku pon da ade..hihihhi
    nnt aku link kan ek..

    oh utk komen topik love2 ni..i love myself..thank you..

  7. nice blog.. love your header.. nice pic.. salam ziarah
