Friday, January 9, 2009

Tolong! Tolong!

I am looking for an ABAP job. For those who knows any vacancies regarding ABAP, do let me know. I only NEED SAP. Seriously and desperately.

Your cooperation is very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot, FRIENDS.

p/s: Lina, thanks for the info. I'll try. Sorry for not replying the YM message. Jiwa kacau.


  1. huhu..sorry to hear d news, br bace link2 lisa psl ur comp..kak zue x sangka laa plak lisa keje satu tmpt ngn yanie eh..sbr2..huhu..aritu mcm ader shell nk pakai org xtau laa skrg kan..btw, xtau ABAP tu ape..hehe..x try iperintis ke lisa..ader gak SAP kan..katenye mcm byk vacancies kt sane..gudlak yek..insyaAllah dipermudahkan, amin..*tetiba sgt insaf, slalu merungut keje x best*

  2. kak zue,
    thanks so much.hehe td dh try deposit resume to iperintis. biase org nak exp 2-3 yrs laa utk ABAP.takpela try and gamble.tak berani la nak stay kat current comp ni.

  3. am aware bout this issue.
    terkejut beb.

    cepat2 keluar lisa...
