Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If you’re sitting next to someone on a plane who irritates you, try doing this

If you’re sitting next to someone on a plane who irritates you, try doing this:

  1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.
  2. Remove your laptop.
  3. Start it up.
  4. Make sure the fellow traveller who is annoying you can see the screen.
  5. Close your eyes and tilt your head up to the sky and move your lips like you are praying.
  6. Then click here.
nak buat dlm bas pon boley.kat LRT pun takpe..huhu.



  1. ko lupe letak kena ada internet~!

  2. green apple,
    hehe..kalo aku pon cuak gile.sumpah aku jerit karang.kak di, slamat hari raye ye.maaf zahir batin.

    hahaha.yolah.lupe lak.tihtih.

    hi muni.ko muni kan.tetttt.nnt ade gosip masuk la sini kite gossip2.xoxo.

  3. kuri2.. ape ending mende alah tuh.. sy tahap tutup sound lagi takut ade ape2 yg akan muncul kat screenn... sebenanyee ape maksud die eh die countdown ape tuh? lame tunggu xdek pape pownnn.. dah tutup dah sbb takut sgt

  4. ko ni appehaaal la dudu lurus sgt nih.tu mknenye terrorist nk bom kapaltebang tu la lebih kurang.kan bom slalu jdk cmtu.ko nih.kalo ko duk sbelah org amerika lagi bagus.puk!

  5. oooooooooooooooooo baru pahammmmmmmm
    adik dudu baru paham laa kakak hahahahaha
